Wow, I didn't know so any people couldn't read. The COD campaigns are 5-6 hrs. The Destiny campaign is averages around 12-14hrs.
[quote]Wow, I didn't know so any people couldn't read. The COD campaigns are 5-6 hrs. The Destiny campaign is averages around 12-14hrs.[/quote] if u on ps4 u wanna be friends ur warlock is cool I am a lvl 26 almost 27 warlock.
[quote]Wow, I didn't know so any people couldn't read. The COD campaigns are 5-6 hrs. The Destiny campaign is averages around 12-14hrs.[/quote] That's weird I don't play cod so I don't know but play destiny and it took me 6 hours to finish the game with my warlock at level 24. Still play but all I enjoy doing til dlc is level up weapons.