We want the world lol. if you have played Destiny I think you understand some of the frustrations. But I appreciate your valid statements above. I wanted customization, but what we are stuck with grinding for the best armor no matter what it looks like to be able to reach MAX level. that's not what they advertised. It was spun that you could look unique and build your own legend. i went into the tower last night and 6 people had the same chest and a mixed assortment of the same arms legs and helmets... That's not unique.
What good is max level outside of the raid? Keep another set of armor you like to wear in all the other activities.
What's good about it outside of the raid? Everything, nightfall strike is like a mini raid sometimes... Why can't I have what destiny promised? Why must I just accept that The developers promised something on many levels, And didn't deliver! I'm still playing the game... It's fun to play with friends, but over all I'm disappointed and feel I over paid.
Also everyone looks like a cookie cutter... Cmon don't be so naieve