Xbox community should just boycott the future dLC until activision and Bungie get a clue on how to fairly treat customers.
Timed exclusives happen all the time. It's not really bungie trying to treat any unfairly but more about the money they got from one party to have this stuff only available to them for a short time. COD almost always has stuff for XBOX first and then PS users get it way later. Guess who owns COD? Activision. Can the PS player base please get something from that publisher first for a change? lol
[quote]Timed exclusives happen all the time. It's not really bungie trying to treat any unfairly but more about the money they got from one party to have this stuff only available to them for a short time. COD almost always has stuff for XBOX first and then PS users get it way later. Guess who owns COD? Activision. Can the PS player base please get something from that publisher first for a change? lol[/quote] a short time could be a few months not almost an entire year.
understood. 2-3 months would have been nice. look at it this way though, next sep-dec you will get all of what you have missed plus whatever dlc they drop. you will get flooded with new stuff.
They can't give the dlc at the same time that would push the release date waay back
Listen to make it fair, they should just give the dlcs on all platforms on the same god damn day. Im with both sony and Microsoft. I couldn't give 2 shits who's better.
Couldn't agree more. I love how we pay the same and get shit instead of what we pay for.
So it's okay for CoD or Battlefield to do it when it helps XBOX, but heaven forbid XBOX miss out on two twenty minute activities? Even Fallout 3 gave Microsoft DLCs before Sony. Didn't hear any XBOX players whining then. It's really hard to take you people whining about Playstation finally getting perks seriously with Microsoft's track record.
[quote]So it's okay for CoD or Battlefield to do it when it helps XBOX, but heaven forbid XBOX miss out on two twenty minute activities? Even Fallout 3 gave Microsoft DLCs before Sony. Didn't hear any XBOX players whining then. It's really hard to take you people whining about Playstation finally getting perks seriously with Microsoft's track record.[/quote] It's one thing to have complete exclusivity and delay the release for another platform. It's a completely different story when you charge the same amount for a product but withhold content for almost an entire year. Just give Xbox users a discount on the DLC until the additional content becomes available.
Battlefield 4 Premium with Second Assault that was only released for all consoles as an apology for the game being released unfinished. Skyrim's expansion pass. Fallout 3 on PS3 was going to get none of the expansions for quite a while (Dust Palace and the rest of the current PS exclusives). And when PS players complained about it y'all did the whole "XBOX master-race" or "should've chosen a better console." Now that you guys are getting a taste of your own medicine, you can't handle it.
[quote]Battlefield 4 Premium with Second Assault that was only released for all consoles as an apology for the game being released unfinished. Skyrim's expansion pass. Fallout 3 on PS3 was going to get none of the expansions for quite a while (Dust Palace and the rest of the current PS exclusives). And when PS players complained about it y'all did the whole "XBOX master-race" or "should've chosen a better console." Now that you guys are getting a taste of your own medicine, you can't handle it.[/quote]I never claimed to be part of a master race -blam!- face
Look who's talking you have call of duty dlc before anyone else so there's game on both end
I never complained about the Skyrim DLC as I'm on ps3, but the wait kinda killed the hype, so i bought them and never finished them
Said no one ever.
Thats what u get for buying the hunk of junk. I dont remember seeing u complain about sony not getting exclusives for a whole decade.
Ohh get off your microsoft high horse
But when cod and skyrim get time exclusive on Xbox its all cool
Edited by paininyourkneck: 10/31/2014 3:26:13 AMEveryone wanna know why? because Microsoft have around 240 billion more than sony do.
Or you guys could just quit whining about everything. You'll get the content by fall of 2015 at the latest.
Thank you
Maybe its a hardware issue with getting those particular strikes to run 1080p on the Xbone?
You know... it may not be Bunjie and Activision with the problem. Could be Microsoft.
Microsoft has nothing to to with this game Outside of console support.