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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • I'm a little upset bungie isn't delivering what was promised, but at the same time I know it's not all bungie's fault. Activision published the game and call most of the shots. Keep that in mind COD players. But nevertheless, even with the problems and hiccups, I love this game. Especially with how it is starting out. Look at all the great mmos out there, WoW being a prime example. WoW was awful (in mine and several friends' opinions) when it stated. Now look at it, years down the road. Also keep in mind, MMOs aren't bungie's fortè. Like I said. Plenty of problems and mistakes on both bungie and Activision's end, and I mostly blame Activision for how they've been the last 6 years, but bungie is trying. It's an mmo, planned for 10 years existence, I think they are doing just fine. (Quick footnote, it was Activision's call to do disc-locked content and set the prices for it) Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please stop blaming all the problems on bungie. They aren't completely innocent either but it's a long term game. Consider this the trial and error stage of the "complete" version and move on with that in mind. If that thought makes you mad, take the game out of the console, put it in the case, and shelve it until the dlc, but consider my advice and don't give up on it yet.

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