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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 10:24:12 PM
I agree with you that this story is all broken up. I've also read about the departure of the original story writer and believe that with his departure we are probably not getting as good of a game as expected. But Halo 1 wasn't a monumental success of a story. I did play that all the way through. The Halo story has been developed over numerous games. Give Destiny a chance to do that same thing. Bungie is not approaching the story the same way. Halo basically told the story as you went from one mission to the next. A straight narrative. You learned the lore through each missions as well. Destiny is allowing this open world environment to allow you to discover the story at a different pace, with much of the lore tucked away (not wisely) in the grimoire cards found through the website or the mobile apps. Trust me, if you go read through the grimoire cards you will realize the depth of story there, but Bungie made it so difficult for people to get the grimoire by not including it in game somehow

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