I'm sorry, you can't be coming on here and talking sense, that's just not acceptable. The game must last at least 3000 hrs without any additional DLC and they will pay me to play it.
Joking aside, I've racked up days of playing time, well, not far of weeks! (glad the Misses won't see this ;-) so it's fair to say I've had value for money for the £89 Limited Edition cost..... that includes the next 2 Expansions! Seems like we have a lot of people expecting way too much!
It kills me when people who play MMO's like World of Warcraft complain about the amount of content and what Destiny costs. Let's say you bought WOW, no expansions and played for 1 year.....you just spent over $150. Of course you're going to get a ton of content. I hope you expected a lot of content for that price. But you also pay for expansions that take two years to release, meaning you've now paid over $300 before you even touched the first expansion. Good grief.
[quote]It kills me when people who play MMO's like World of Warcraft complain about the amount of content and what Destiny costs. Let's say you bought WOW, no expansions and played for 1 year.....you just spent over $150. Of course you're going to get a ton of content. I hope you expected a lot of content for that price. But you also pay for expansions that take two years to release, meaning you've now paid over $300 before you even touched the first expansion. Good grief.[/quote] What are you even talking about. First release of wow is less the 50$.