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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by Jutsu: 10/30/2014 10:47:46 PM
Dear DeeJ, This is what we need: 15 new missions • One too many elements of the story are left unexplained, without referring to the understandable mysteries implemented to inspire curiosity. In other words, who "the Stranger" is isn't our most pressing concern for example, but rather how in the flipping heck were we resurrected from death. An entire world wouldn't be necessary, at least not in the first installment of the forthcoming expansions. We just need to dive back into the main plot and discover more of the exacts! What exactly is the traveler? Where did the darkness come from exactly? How exactly did we lose the war? Perhaps this can be achieved through flashbacks, or gameplay that is retrospective of the lives of our guardians prior to their deaths. 15 missions may appear a little excessive, but the utter confusion some of us are still battling warrants much more than that. Also, it should be duly noted that the term "mission" needs to be revisited on your side of the table. What you consider "missions" are more representative of side quests within what true missions should be. 8 new strikes • Technically speaking the entire world of destiny is shared. However, in terms of multiplayer experience, strikes are the only place where it feels as such, beyond the realm of PVP. Thus, it is appropriate to consider a strike as the PVE equivalent of most of your typical PVP game modes. Therefore, whatever the number of maps there are in PVP, so should there also be within the mode of our PVE equivalent. For example, if there are 10 maps in PVP, then please reward us with 10 strikes on the opposite side of the spectrum. In this case, however, there should be 13 PVP maps altogether, come this expansion pack's release? Since there are currently 5 strikes, 8 more...well, I'm certain you can do the math. 2 new raids • Simply put, there is currently little diversity as it pertains to any given set of individuals' guardians. Why is this, one might ask? Well, one should then consider that only a specific set of gear gets you to the maximum level. Of course, the implementation of Iron Banner gear elevating its wearer to level 30 is on the way. But when the level cap becomes 32, we're back in the same predicament. Furthermore, you wouldn't even be able to obtain all of the pieces required to max out, through Iron Banner alone. This then means that every maximum leveled guardian, by class, will be guaranteed to at least have three of the same armor pieces on if the Iron Banner gear isn't scaled to produce level 32. Two raids that each provide gear that would elevate the user to the max level provides for so much more diversity. (Yes, just that little bit of added content can do wonders!) __ new exotics • Personally, I believe that at least three of every single article of gear should be given new exotics with every expansion. Three helmets. Three chest pieces. Three grieves. Three gauntlets. Three auto rifles. Three scout rifles. get the idea. Why? Can I stress diversity any more? I would really love to see an increase in the maximum number of equip-able exotics but, I wouldn't be so greedy as to demand it. But given the ongoing precedent of nerfs to each exotic, viable exotics are going out of business faster than best buy and family video! This means that come DLC date, people will naturally race to the latest (un-nerfed) yellow tiered equipment. With your number of added exotics, we'll once again have little to no diversity. With mine...wonders. Well that's all from me. I'll let you get back to doing what it is you do. It's not as though anyone's listening anyways... x) - Cat

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  • Bump

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  • You forget one thing: If they were to release 3 pieces of gear for each article every DLC, you'd be getting DLC's every 10+ months because they'd have to design brand new pieces of gear with their own unique abilities otherwise people will bitch and complain that all the new Exotics have the exact same abilities as other Exotics, on top of that they would have to create more missions, strikes and raids to go with said DLC's. It's too time consuming on their part and that results in people losing interest, by the time the first one releases, half the community would have gotten tired of waiting and just left. You have to see it from their point of view: Earlier DLC = More money.

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  • Edited by Jutsu: 10/31/2014 12:20:44 AM
    I'm not quite sure I completely understand your meaning. But I will say that yes, it is perceived to be a challenge to consistently design these abilities. However, I've come with multiple ones on my own. For ex: Death Wish: ADSing slowly depletes the user's life, but any shot fired while ADSing is a OHK, so long as the shot hits the intended target. [Sniper Rifle] Better Luck Next Time: Damage dealt by this weapon continuously causes damage until the intended target is dead, unless this weapon's user is killed beforehand. Double Rainbow: Kills with this weapon increase the likelihood of loot drops. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Causes a chain of explosions equivalent, in duration, to the time in which it took to reach its intended target. [Rocket Launcher] Divine Intervention: Kills with this weapon provide a chance at self-resurrection after death. Necessary Evil: Kills with this weapon redirect incoming damage to the inflictor for a duration. I can go all day long. All it takes is a bit of creativity, and I can dream this stuff up in my sleep.

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  • You have to remember that it can't be too OP, remember that abilities aren't changed in The Crucible :P so that Sniper would become the next Mythoclast (before nerf) except deadlier. And yeah I can relate, I could make up heaps on the spot as well but Bungie don't have the creativity we do (80% of their guns look the same but with a different colour and sight).

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  • Yeah, you're right about that. Lol. I guess I'm a bit biased anyways, since I don't even care for PVP. It's a dream really, but it would be awesome if some of our ideas could be heard and put to good use.

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  • Yeah I only played PvP in Destiny for those marks and some rep towards the FWC (Future War Cult), it's not too bad by itself but with the whole mix of classes and their abilties it seems a bit too chaotic for me.

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  • Good job. Clever. Enjoyed reading your creativity

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  • Thank you! I just want to bring some positivity with fresh ideas!

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  • Bump

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  • Even if they did this you would still chew though it and be complaining.

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  • Ah. I see. No, I actually enjoy the game. I do cringe at certain discrepancies. But, for the most part I still play. Just thought I'd throw in some constructive criticism. Also, you spelled *through wrong, if that's the word you meant to use. Otherwise, your sentence makes no sense.

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  • Thanks but your post was more a list of demands rather than criticism.

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