To all of you complaining, whining, average pieces of shit: go to the link I posted and read the comments section. I realize that even with a plain and logical explanation there will be plenty of you who still think its some sort of money conspiracy to hold back content. With that realization comes the fact that neither I, nor anybody else can fix your stupidity. I'm okay with this, and so is Bungie (although they won't say it as bluntly as I). More importantly, you all embody a HUGE problem going on today. With the advent of the internet, you all think: "Because I happen to have mental processes and can form sentences on a digital device, I am entitled to spout my shitty ass opinion to the world because I have the ability to." That is a MAJOR thinking error and only annoys people who have the presence of mind to realize: "Not everybody wants to know my opinion on things which I know NOTHING about (but pretend to because I've had a tiny bit of experience with whatever I'm bitching about and maybe looked up a fact or two for the sake of appearing credible)". It really just shows how stupid you are, nothing more. Its a stark example of how shitty your parents are that they allowed you to go throughout life telling everyone your shitty opinion and thinking it matters. It is a FACT that those who are terrible at doing things ARE UNABLE TO CORRECTLY ASCERTAIN HOW TERRIBLE THEY ARE AT DOING THINGS. This pertains because Bungie has done something that everyone involved in your life probably hasn't done before (the reason for which has now become apparent): They asked for your input, and really meant it. Most of you need to understand the difference between input/constructive criticism, and whining/complaining/bitching. If you are going to post things on a public forum meant for input, then make sure it is constructive and helpful. Bungie is composed of a large group of individuals who: A. Not only know a SHIT LOAD more than you, but B. get paid because of what they know. They said they want your input because Bungie already realizes that a bunch of people will bitch about the game and have absolutely nothing of value to say to anybody. On the flipside Bungie also realizes that a small percentage of people will actually have good ideas for implementation. Though most of you won't understand what I mean by this, its a numbers game. Bungie wants input, but not bitching and moaning. Nobody has time for that and more importantly, nobody cares. As previously stated, most of you are too dense to understand any of what I said however if you do happen to read it understand this: Nobody gives a shit if it isn't going to help improve the game.
TL;DR Unless you have something of value to say which will ACTUALLY improve the game, do everybody the favor of having to read or scroll past your nonsense and SHUT THE HELL UP.
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