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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:00:31 PM
Listen, antagonistic trolling is not what I'm about, so my apologies if that's what's coming across (though I believe the name calling came from your end). I have no problem with differing opinions, either, and instead encourage them as they are how we grow. I just have yet to see anything from any reputable source stating anything that makes me think I was cheated or lied to. I got exactly what I was expecting and more, and made great effort to do my research before buying. I learned how DLC content works, what a "space saver" is, and even went so far as to do some very basic research into how a video game is made. I personally feel, based solely on my own research and experiences, that I made a great purchase, and while I agree that fixes were needed, don't feel slighted at all. But, at the same time, I do recognize that we have differing opinions here, and I don't wish to push my opinion on you, and expect the same consideration in return. That being said, how about we call a truce and, should the opportunity arise, promise to game together someday in the future?

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  • Fair enough. I'm not a ram rod politician out for a vote, but more of a gamer who hates seeing others get taken advantage of or even having felt that way. I accept the agree to disagree truce, since I'll take it back. (Drone revoked) If you love Destiny, then love it until you get information from that reputable source and decide where you stand on your own from that point on. I'm all for gaming together in the future! I have nothing personal against anyone here within these forums.

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  • Well, if you're ever on the x1 hit me up! GT is my username, and as heated as that got, it was a good conversation!!!

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  • Agreed! Haha

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