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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:00:31 PM
Listen, antagonistic trolling is not what I'm about, so my apologies if that's what's coming across (though I believe the name calling came from your end). I have no problem with differing opinions, either, and instead encourage them as they are how we grow. I just have yet to see anything from any reputable source stating anything that makes me think I was cheated or lied to. I got exactly what I was expecting and more, and made great effort to do my research before buying. I learned how DLC content works, what a "space saver" is, and even went so far as to do some very basic research into how a video game is made. I personally feel, based solely on my own research and experiences, that I made a great purchase, and while I agree that fixes were needed, don't feel slighted at all. But, at the same time, I do recognize that we have differing opinions here, and I don't wish to push my opinion on you, and expect the same consideration in return. That being said, how about we call a truce and, should the opportunity arise, promise to game together someday in the future?

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