It's just a grind. It' work and less play for some. I just got my Titan to 27 and I now have a full set of armor with one Exotic (helmet) from Xur) which is one way for you. You could do all the bounties you could (focus on at least Vanguard 100 points), do the weekly and strike list and daily stuff and soon you should get enough drops along with Strange Coins. I need to Rank 3 (I am 2) to get a legendary weapon.. Once there - I have the coins for Xur. That will make me at least armed for VOG enough to be a good team member. You could do the same Bal. It just takes some time and for guys like me that work full time - it is a grind for sure. I will take about 2 more weeks to rank up and then I should be able to VOG more often and with some success. I hope you do as well and soon Bal. Keep it up and you will. You are right about Nightfall by the way. But because of the new territory and strike - we should get a new Nightfall at some point.
I do hope we get a new nightfall. I also have an exotic armor(sunsinger arms) & all legendary gear, but thats not the issue. Its the same gear since I hit 20. I haven't gotten anything purple since the loot cave days. I was lucky to get all good legendary gear at lvl 20 but everything I get now is blue or green.
I missed that cave so I have to buy my gear.