Advertised as 'timed exclusives' similar to xbox receiving COD maps first, Which then are released to PS... 1 month later.
1 month is a little different then 1 year.
There are only 5 strikes on xbox, PS already has an extra one. Now we pay the same amount for DLC that gives PS 8 strikes while we will have 6. It's pretty lame, man.
You cant honestly say you had any idea what the content was going to be prior to launch, it actually looked like it was going to be guns and armor, and if there was 10 strikes to begin with, then 1 for Playstation wouldn't matter, but when we are the same 5 strikes over and over, it's painful.
You just happen to be on the good end of a shitty deal, it doesn't make the deal any less shitty.
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