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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 11:29:45 PM
Bungie, If I hadn't already paid for a digital. Of your game and the dlc, I'd trade it in. If you really think that you have in any way shipped the game your fans were expecting because of how you showed it to us, you're wrong. And now you're taking Activisions business model of screwing gamers over too much. Your Dark Below dlc sucks. You can make all the excuses you want of why so much of the content is in the game already, but most people know its a lie. The Dark Below was finished or nearly finished a long time ago. Your next dlc better be MASSIVE. Thats all there is left to say. X-Box players, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but what you're experiencing with the exclusive content for Playstation, your beloved Microsoft started the whole idea. If you look at what console has more exclusive and timed exclusive content in the last generation, it'll be the 360. Castlevania Harmony if Despair was a year long exclusive, and that was an entire game. So shut up. Also realize that Microsoft screwed bungie, forced them to work on halo when they wanted to move onto other projects. As xbox fans you may have made Bungie what it is, but because of Microsofts treatment of Bungie they screwed Microsoft and their fans. They did it to get you to buy a playstation. Thats why they advertise "the ultimate destiny experience on ps4" because, -blam!- microsoft.

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  • Why don't you cry about it....oh did....

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  • Now the Fans have to suffer cause MS and Bungie can´t play in the same sandbox anymore? Somehow I thought the times of personal Vendettas are gone?

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  • Bump x infinity

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  • Agree on fk Microsoft. 100% Linux now.

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  • But are you eatin' tho!?

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  • And to people saying it's basically karma they do the same to Microsoft lol the timed exclusives don't really hurt MS yea it boosts sales of PS4 but the ones who are actually affected are the ones buying the content and getting less for the same price.

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  • You do realize that bungie was under a 10 year contract with Microsoft on the halo franchise. To get halo: CE off the ground because Microsoft saw potential in it. Now I'm not sticking up for either but don't just sit there and say how MS treated em shitty when they were really just forcing them to follow through on the contract they had signed. It's no different now then with destiny's 10 year contract at activision only difference is halo was a console seller exclusive to Microsoft so they needed the game to be defining of the fps genre and be as good as possible so people would buy the console. Activision only needs to turn a profit has it is a publisher. There's a lot more going on behind the curtains but try to look at other possibilities besides the whole oh wile MS just treated em like shit and now they're just being lashed out on.

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  • You sir are about as close to the money from all the comments I've read so far in these forums... Took the words right outta me (/-_-)/

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  • I own xbox and always will but not afraid to admit truth when it's there. Microsoft screwed bungie, that's business. So it's only right that bungie does the same to Microsoft.

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  • He is right i have a 360 and im fine with wating, if i get the pack ever. Microsoft screwed bungie. Plus xbax can wait a few months or yeras for this content it took years to get microsoft games to sony. Anyways PLASTATION MASTER RACE!!!!!!!

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  • PS4 is the worst console I have ever played. I traded it in for an Xbox as soon as I could which was 10 days after purchase.

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  • Not really a gamer then, huh? "Gamers" play on Playstation. We prefer the "state of the art" hardware. Which enhances the gaming experience. "Bucket-mouths" play on Xbox. They prefer to run their mouths endlessly on "games" with little to no content like...CoD, etc... "Hackers" play on PC. They can't play a game the way a dev made it. They have to "mod" it. Say what you will about the Playstation, but Microsoft has, pretty much, single -handedly, ruined the gaming industry with all of their content-less FSP Shooters. HALO and CoD each started out with a story, but before long their stories just became "extended tutorials".

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  • Gamers play on Xbox and little kids play on PlayStation. End of Story.

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  • Edited by No1BEATNGU: 10/31/2014 11:49:35 AM
    Mm-hm! Like I said, "Bucket-mouth". You have nothing intellectual to offer in defense of your inferior system. Just whatever drivel you can string together. Microsoft sold you the hype and you bought it. Hook, line and sinker.

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  • Edited by Glacies: 10/31/2014 12:05:58 PM
    Let's see both have 1080p. The only thing I hate about playstation is its operating system. DeeJ even plays the Xbox One because I have followed him on my friends list.

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  • "State-of-the-art" hardware? Your PS4 is just as good if not less good than a mid-range PC. Besides, the small differences in hardware don't make up for much in the end product. It would appear that you're so far up Sony's ass that you can't realize that.

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  • I dont want your apology. If your truly sorry send me $60 and i wont play it anymore. Promise!

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  • Nah, see its your fault you bought it on xbox when it had been publicized that there was exclusive content on playstation long before the game was released. I'm just sorry to see you all be such whiney little babies about something your own console started.

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  • Edited by Benny McBlitz: 10/30/2014 11:43:39 PM
    Dude, you still got screwed anyway. Theyve taken content out between beta and release to make more money. Ps. They never said timed exclusive content and yes,I knew you guys were getting exclusive at the start and good on ya

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  • It's why I bought a ps4 - kinda regretting it now. At least most of the games I want are cross-platform

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  • Edited by TheBlackOmen: 10/30/2014 11:34:26 PM
    I don't see why anyone would regret a ps4 purchase myself. Its more powerful and a better value over xb1 when it comes to Ps+\xbl. But to each their own.

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  • Edited by DarkRios: 10/31/2014 8:01:52 AM
    I own both and my ps4 is unplugged and at the moment a waste. I don't want to play The Last Of Us again on ps4 or indie games I had on PC months ago. Thankfully I also have an Xbox One and a WiiU, new games like Sunset Overdrive and Bayonetta 2 are outstanding. I'm playing Destiny on my Xbox because that's where my friends are. So yeah while I don't regret buying a ps4 of i had to choose one to ditch the Playstation would be the one.

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  • Mainly because Halo. As I said most other games I care about are cross-platform so I don't mind too much. Was expecting Destiny to have a rich story I'd get lost in so the ps4 exclusive content mattered to me.

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  • I guess if you're that big a fan of Halo. I've never been a fan of Microsofts business practices, so I've never bought an Xbox.

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  • Just a sci fi buff

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