It's why I bought a ps4 - kinda regretting it now.
At least most of the games I want are cross-platform
Edited by TheBlackOmen: 10/30/2014 11:34:26 PMI don't see why anyone would regret a ps4 purchase myself. Its more powerful and a better value over xb1 when it comes to Ps+\xbl. But to each their own.
Edited by DarkRios: 10/31/2014 8:01:52 AMI own both and my ps4 is unplugged and at the moment a waste. I don't want to play The Last Of Us again on ps4 or indie games I had on PC months ago. Thankfully I also have an Xbox One and a WiiU, new games like Sunset Overdrive and Bayonetta 2 are outstanding. I'm playing Destiny on my Xbox because that's where my friends are. So yeah while I don't regret buying a ps4 of i had to choose one to ditch the Playstation would be the one.
Mainly because Halo. As I said most other games I care about are cross-platform so I don't mind too much. Was expecting Destiny to have a rich story I'd get lost in so the ps4 exclusive content mattered to me.
I guess if you're that big a fan of Halo. I've never been a fan of Microsofts business practices, so I've never bought an Xbox.
Just a sci fi buff
Same I actually would have gotten a PS4 if wasn't for Halo and restarting all of my game progresses.
It's just don't like all these fanboys Bitchin about how there's is better.