All high and mighty online, but you forgot what I said about that 42rd clip. Cussing over a forum just shows your ignorance through anger.
I thinked u missed the part where all my shit is legal. Hell i dont need the 96 rounder for my m16. I dont plan on missin. I plan on all 2310 grains of lead to keep u down.
Saw other areas in the forum where no one else likes you either...are you lonely? And no that clip alone is illegal. Learn your state laws.
Learn ur law fool. Its pre 76 and i got class 4s with a tsc/sp. Get on my level. Oh right ur probably a felon.
It is a 30+rd clip which can not be held by unauthorized personnel unless for state or federal. You come off as a idiot not currently aware of the illegality of what you have. Have fun kid. You can have last word ( I know you desperately want it ).
Key word "unauthorized" im postive my class 4 covers more then just mag size. Includes manufacturing, distribution and sale of all firearms and explosives.