[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by mojomonk84: 10/30/2014 11:47:47 PMYeah good luck, already fooled me once with the game ITSELF ACTUALLY BEING AN EXPANSION PACK!!!!! So the packs we ALREADY purchased don't have this included?!?! Like I have said in no small number of other forum posts; this game is CERTAIN to be DC Universe in the near future, how's that working out for those developers??? Ha, it's insane how far greed will go. Imagine Sonic the Hedgehog(any prior Gen game!), instead of anything past the first level/character you have to buy at 1/3 of original purchase price, which would make the "game" 300$ total purchase. Even if you get 1 million people to swallow that much depravity you're still falling short of "developing" costs, which I am sure is yet another lie when advertising is where the bulk of it likely went. Or any other game for that matter. DLC is Desperate, Libelous (for saying these items/levels/perks were in said ORIGINAL gameplay), Criminal marketing (*see prior posts) ploys. Sorry but I hope you get hacked and these all end up in circulation. Not like your network is suspect already...oh wait it is? Hahahaha So because you over spent on lavish commercials, none of which were needed if you're showing ACTUAL gameplay, we get screwed Cryptarch style?? Are you guys actually just taking turns playing as Rahool? It seems more and more that way, let's see how much we can torture gamers by putting anything fun or "rewarding" out of reach. Merely the illusion of gaming entertainment is what you have provided. This reminds me of a story, told long long ago..... Part Three: Your Orders, Sir (An accidental short story born of a rant) ((Still more depth than Destiny's)) "HEY BUNGIE! I want to buy this sandwich, been waiting forever. Hell, I didn't even own a table (PS4) but when I saw this sandwich I know I needed one. From your ads it looks like the BEST EVER, reviews said it was like no other out there. Groundbreaking and mouthwatering, saw commercials and magazine reviews that said it was perfect... It's ready? Are you sure? Thanks.... Where's the meat and cheese this is just bread?!?! Can you help me with this? Oh sorry sir (*voice of Rahool*), we locked it under your table, we can get you the keys at additional cost in about a year. Wait sorry, six months for either meat or cheese, you can't get both at the same time. Then later, you can get the other...but we choose which one. Hell we may even wait until the day before we give you said key to even tell you what we're giving you...NOW SWALLOW AND ENJOY WHAT WE ALLOWED YOU TO BUY FROM US!!! Do it now and get us a good review so we can get our bonus. But won't my sandwich spoil by then? I could go to Frostbite, or elsewhere, they show you everything you're going to eat... I mean yeah its just bread and I am really hungry, but that's a ridiculous amount of time to wait, for a sandwich. I mean don't you have it all made up already? I know you do we saw it put together already. Yes we have it, but you can't enjoy it fully until we know EVERYONE else with money can get it during sandwich season. Duh. Well I won't recommend this product to ANYONE, fix my sandwich now...please?!?! Ugh alright already! You're like the 5 MILLIONTH person to complain already. Here, it's fixed. Enjoy!Muahahaha ! Ummm sir? All you did was warm up my bread... and I saw you do it with a hair dryer. That can't be sanitary! Wait, you put some mustard on it that's nice, I guess... Wait, wait, wait WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE MIDDLE OF THE BREAD???? IS THAT A SHIT!?!? Well of course it is, we heard your complaints about the center part of the bread being so soft, though hard to get past the crust, and everyone liked it once they got there, but lots were sharing it with their friends. You know cutting out the crust for them. So we thought we could punish them if they tried again! Well you could have done something else! Thanks for my Shit Sandwich, I guess?? THE END Rant/Game Over Bump.... If this game, the "hotfixes", the BS/Bonus content, like the story, left a bad taste in your mouth.