I'm getting both, and any expansion or dlc that comes out, I'm not going to waste any breath or sweat in making longer comments than this one, I love this game, I bought a shooter with rpg elements. I don't feel cheated, I don't feel betrayed, I have loved every minute of this game. The beta was amazing! I would have thrown 60$ to have kept it open. Call me fan boy, I love bungie. They have been an integral part of my gaming youth. Now I'm grown and I choose what I spend my money on... I crave more, as any gamer would but in all honesty, it's coming... All of it over the next ten years give or take a few months. And I hope it goes longer than that... I'm sorry some of you didn't get what you feel you were promised but seriously, what were you expecting? Full game... Well hell I spent almost 60 hours in beta, nearly quadrupled that time in the game I purchased. I play the same game as many xbox players but for some reason I feel fulfilled, I guess I'm not hard to please... I wish they had in game content for micro transactions, I would pay for all of it, dlc bring it, special packages, done... Vanity gear???? Holy crap I want it too! It makes the world go round guys and gals... If you don't want to play the game anymore trade it for something you will enjoy, I hate reading the same comment over and over and over again... The ninjas are slacking this go around... In fact my only gripe with the game is that 90% of the people that "hate this game" still play it... Go somewhere else, so you can blow up their forums and leave ours alone...
Bad comments incoming, and guess what? I'm not afraid of anything any of you have to say to me, cause I'm a big boy and I can take it. Thanks to all for reading if you took the time, had to rant and whine like everyone else lol
Enjoy your freedom of speech on the Internet lol
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