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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • CAN I CALL IT !? I said after the sword of crota mission that there was no way that the sword was just gone. I also mentioned on that mission that we would have to fight crota himself eventually. However, I also said that there should be swords or a sword wielding class ( NOT bladedancer) that players could use to have a special quest against crota just using swords. I have stopped playing Destiny, i took the game in and got rid of it. I said when i played the beta, " this game has the potential to be the next elder scrolls. " Since the game released Ive been dissapointed, all i heard and read about was PVP. I understand that Destiny was made by the same gun toting morons that have crapped out the halo tragedies 1 to whatever, but I really felt like Destiny was gona be more. I would not recommend spending more money on this franchise to any gamer, well actually let me re-word that. I would not recommend this game to a person that enjoys playing video games, GAMERS are the only ones who support this idea of fun, PVP heavy space adventures. Bungie if you read this and care, add to the story and add to the customization. If you dont give a crap, well you obviously you dont.

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