How on earth will this be supported for a decade? A maximum level of 32 now. We reached the maximum far to quickly. I hope you have some secret plans so ground breaking the aftershock will still be felt on the next generation platforms. Halo managed it on the xbox! You have made a rod for your own backs- it's what we expect now and what we bought into.
So chop -blam!-ing chop!
At the moment I just feel as though I've bought a promise that's yet to be kept!!
Bungie made this game smell good then farted in our face.
The beauty of Halo was/is that the combat is a means unto itself. It isn't an RPG so there's no grinding, only the pure struggle and bliss of open-ended combat. As excellent as the gunplay in Destiny is it is a means towards a different end, one that is not guaranteed: in Halo when my enemy falls I am done with him, I have vanquished a unique beast but in Destiny there is only the promise of maybe getting new gear or materials. RNG sucks so hard gentlemen.