You have to remember that it can't be too OP, remember that abilities aren't changed in The Crucible :P so that Sniper would become the next Mythoclast (before nerf) except deadlier. And yeah I can relate, I could make up heaps on the spot as well but Bungie don't have the creativity we do (80% of their guns look the same but with a different colour and sight).
Yeah, you're right about that. Lol. I guess I'm a bit biased anyways, since I don't even care for PVP. It's a dream really, but it would be awesome if some of our ideas could be heard and put to good use.
Yeah I only played PvP in Destiny for those marks and some rep towards the FWC (Future War Cult), it's not too bad by itself but with the whole mix of classes and their abilties it seems a bit too chaotic for me.