So, today I got kicked out of a few crucible matches just at the end, as I was kicked yesterday. One after another, when 1-1.5 mins left, I got kicked and all the efforts are gone. Later, before I updated my ps4, connection was more stable, there were less lags, but I still faced disconnects sometimes, from strikes, crucible, patrols and whatever, just in the middle of a task. And guess what? Yes, task was like abandoned, no rewards, no reconnections to my last activity.
Since devs/publishers spent all the money for marketing and nothing left for decent servers and this game requires a hell of a connection, I’d want to suggest some sort of reconnecting to the last activity played in case of player being kicked to orbit / logged out / having destiny crushed / whatever. Like, 60, or about that, seconds for him to press some button (let it be the one that shows the statistics of the last activity finished) and return to what he actually was doing.
Bungie, Stop adding halloween crap and fix the connection issues!