Dude cod has none of the crazy error cant get online to play b.s. theres gunna be so many people on cod and guess wat ill be able to communicate with any/all of them, activision took their time with cod like they shouldve with destiny, and the replay value is almost infinite cuz u kno people will always play it till the next cod game release, as for destiny I doubt they will ever put it proximity chat, crucible chat or fixed matchmaking, or extended world exploration for pve. If destiny tries to make destiny 2 and so on in this 10 year b.s. scheme they have plannes I doubt ill be keepin up with destiny games like I do cod games, any c.o.d. game is better than destiny rite now
Been playing COD since the first Modern Warfare and they've had their share of issues. Plenty of connectivity issues, the spawn systems get worse and worse every year, there hasn't been anything meaningful changed in almost three years. The group I play all had the season pass for Ghosts and once Destiny came out, none of us have touched Ghosts. We never even bothered to play the last DLC even though we paid for it. The game was just blah. Now this was just our experience, our opinions....so take it with a grain of salt
Preach on .... COD is trash!
You're so right. That's exactly why more people play it than any other game.
Cod is pvp only
And it's been retread Trash for awhile now imo. I know plenty of people like it but it's been copy n paste for awhile now with their maps just with new textures and skins. Perks were cool and original at one point but are now stagnant. I was a big Battlefield player until BF4 ruined the franchise (EA)
Bf4 did ruin it