[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]
Bungie might be wondering why the comments usually seem slanted to people crying about various minor issues. Or they might like myself realise thats because the majority of people who appreciate destiny are busy playing this awesome game. Is it perfect? Of course not, no game ever has or ever will be. Bungie should recieve more credit for the good things they have done and less flak for the previously mentioned minor issues. I can see the replies now "another bungie fanboy" yes i am a big fan of their work and im not saying you can't criticize the game. In fact im positive bungie wants your feedback just make it CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. As for the people complaining about the price of dlc im sure a lot of work went into this and speaking of work 1 hour of it is all it will take me to afford this dlc for what will no doubt give me several hours of enjoyment. I'm sure you don't hear this often enough but thanks for all your hard work bungie i for one greatly appreciate it
+1 ! and I'm going to repost you post.
Give them some cheese! Give them some cheese with that wine!!!!!
AMEN! AND HALLELUJAH! Play the game & shut up. Don't play & shut up. Most importantly, SHUT UP! Crying about a video game? Come on now. People have the right to choose to not play & do something much more enjoyable, but continue to bitch & moan about a video game. News flash, there's an on/off switch on every console (not exclusive to PS4). Nothing but a bunch of bitches! Everybody at one point in their life has purchased something that wasn't for them. Perhaps this is the case. But remember, SHUT UP & let the rest of us enjoy the game.
Hmm, your profile states "This account has not played Destiny". Guess that's why you like it so much?
I don't know what your talking about. I have lvl 28 Hunter, lvl 26 Warlock & lvl 26 Titan.