Yo half the people complaining about 20 dollars are 1. kids that need money from their parents and their parent said no 2. Yo fuks work at a fast food joint and can't afford shit proly saved up a whole year to buy your system , bring it bungie I'll pay $40 for that shitts I spend more on gambling anyways lol so u fuks stop complaining and get off your mommy's titttys
Yes I work at a fast food I'm 19 I love destiny but who gives a -blam!- y talk about other ppls hard times that's not right...
Well people's "hard times" should be dealt by them not on a forum if they stop talking shitt about 20 dollars for an expac then I wouldn't have to put their hard times on blast
Should of spent money on your grammar instead
Maybe you should pay for an education instead of gambling dipshit.
Your insults make me laugh that's it that's all you can say fuk the only reason I keep my cuss words short is cause they get bleep lol your anger feeds me and I have my house car and a great job so keep crying about $20 dollars if you need $20 for the expac I'll see u on the feeeway begging lol
You're a lying sack of shit punk kid who just got his first paycheck or just a -blam!-in niigger who never learned humility and thinks flashing or bragging about his wealth makes him a man. Can't tell which yet but either way you're a piece of shit.