bungie hates Xbox players, the same fans that helped them get to where they are today, if it wasn't for Xbox players destiny would never exist. So bungie thank you for bending us Xbox players over and royally screwing us. And for that here is a present from all Xbox players.....
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Lol silly xbox ragers are silly
Ik r lol
Sir you just got a bump. This is true
They don't hate us... it's not their fault that Sony paid a little more than Microsoft for early access to new in-game content. Sony is obviously the "go to" company for this game in general. Stop complaining and think about it you dense -blam!-s.
-blam!- you too good sir. Just get a ps4 as well. I have both PS4 and xbox one
Not everyone has the money for that. Have you ever been a college student?
You have it backwards. If not for bungie Xbox would no longer exist. I remember buying an Xbox and thinking it was the worst thing ever. Then halo arrived and everything changed.
This is true. Halo was what carried the xbox in the older days. It was what made the xbox popular enough to compete with the playstation of it's time.
Yep and here's a fun fact, Bungie was originally designing Halo for Mac because Apple donated a bunch of computers to them so they could design games (not Halo specifically, games in general), but Microsoft didn't want Apple computers to have a strong game on their computers, plus it just so happened that Microsoft were working on the original xbox. They bought up Bungie and had them recode Halo for their new console. Now Microsoft took plenty of the profits from Bungie, which is why I think Bungie had to go to Activision for funding, which is what brings us to this massive mess of a game.
They shouldn't have gone to Activision.
Ok...conspiracy theory here: Could Activison have wrecked Destiny on purpose to make Bungie less popular and, in doing so, make Bungie take a major hit on their profits. If Bungie gets hit hard enough, they're going to have to sell out...right in to Activision's money grubbing hands. This is the revenge that Activision has been wanting to get on Bungie for competing with them. This will be retribution for the whole Halo vs. CoD conflict. Think about it.
Exactly why they shouldn't have gone to Activision dude. It seems so weird that Bungie would put out a steaming pile of crap just before the new cod. Not only that but they seem like they tried really hard with this new cod. Makes perfect sense to me.
Exactly. That and I think Activision is hoping that ( and their hopes are coming true as we speak) that people will flock from Destiny to the new CoD. This is all a money maker for them. Just ask your self "who profits?"
Edited by GHAD J0E: 10/31/2014 3:32:13 AMI'm not playing what if games I'm giving facts Xbox made bungie, bungie facks over Xbox after a 10 year relationship. The dumb bitch cheated watch how long until this game crashes if they do not rectify the situation. Whether they unload tons of DLC after their one year contract with PS or something else. But $20 for a 1/2 of what PS gets, come on even you can agree that's wrong. That's like saying you spent $100,000 on a V10 Lamborghini diablo and I spent $100,000 on the same car but they only give me a 4 banger for a year bet I don't park that bitch in the garage until next year.
Ok you are waaaay off.Bungie hates no one it's not even a fact that they hate xbox.plus why would they make it for xbox 360 and xbox one if they "hate Xbox".
Ha perfect example
Edited by Sir Dirtleg: 10/31/2014 3:27:02 AMOur pre orders and money are irrelevant.
Would you have bought an xbox if halo didn't exist? Would xbox be as successful if halo never existed?
You're right. Halo was what carried the xbox in its opening years when it was first introduced.
Edited by AtlasSempai: 10/31/2014 3:56:58 AMForza, Gears of war, crackdown, yeah, i bought a xbox for these games too... And i only talk about 360 exclusives ;) And halo 1 and 2 was also on pc, everybody pas forced to buy a xbox if they want to keep playing halo just because it became an exclusivity
No. We're talking way back when the xbox was first being introduced. Not sure if you're old enough to remember the original xbox, but it would've sunk without halo.
so forza motorsport 1, midtown madness 3, and she was equivalent to a pc (not like these "next-gen" console)
I'm very sorry, but I can't understand you very well. Could you possibly use capitals at the beginning of your sentences and periods at the end? Thanks.
Sorry I can't support the new halo, and I won't support the new call of duty since they helped on this project until bungie realizes that they messed up bad, and by bad I mean as bad as when Japan realized they messed up when we nuked them....twice....
Why not the new Halo? 343 is the one making it not Bungie.