Hey, um, hint hint.
COUGH hint.
How bout fixing the glorious connection problem (and by glorious I mean complete and utter poop) so I can enjoy this amazing content that is unlocked with a part of my soul plus $20? Thanks, that would be great. OH, but hey at least acknowledge that you know how i disconnect from xbox almost every 10min and i know many others have this problem. An apology won't fix my connection fyi. Pretty please with a CHERRY on top? (I cherish cherries this should mean a lot that I even offered one.)
PS; if any of you can fix my problem I will be your destiny slave for a week. Need help with nightfall, weekly, or raid? I'm your gal. (Do you even see how desperate I am yet or should I throw in a free large smoothie for you too?)
[quote]Hey, um, hint hint. COUGH hint. How bout fixing the glorious connection problem (and by glorious I mean complete and utter poop) so I can enjoy this amazing content that is unlocked with a part of my soul plus $20? Thanks, that would be great. OH, but hey at least acknowledge that you know how i disconnect from xbox almost every 10min and i know many others have this problem. An apology won't fix my connection fyi. Pretty please with a CHERRY on top? (I cherish cherries this should mean a lot that I even offered one.) PS; if any of you can fix my problem I will be your destiny slave for a week. Need help with nightfall, weekly, or raid? I'm your gal. (Do you even see how desperate I am yet or should I throw in a free large smoothie for you too?)[/quote] I know how to fix it just hold ur xbox button down for 10 secs till it shuts down then when it comes back on hopefully it will be fixed, my gt is GrandpaBOOB so find me there see ya
Okay, I'll try your little theory out and if it stops for a full day I will start on a destiny week (Tuesday after halloween) to help you out.
[quote]Okay, I'll try your little theory out and if it stops for a full day I will start on a destiny week (Tuesday after halloween) to help you out.[/quote] ...did it work?
Selling your Xbone or trading it for a PS4 would be your best bet lmao
You give me hope. Except I have more expenses than to spend it on a new console. People have been having connection problems on every console I am not betting that buying a new one magically makes it better. Heck to the oh hell no.
"The ultimate festiny experience is only on PS4" LOL
Dude, i hate the heck out of PS anything for some reason. I have a PS4 in the house and I tried but eh. Not a big fan of it really. Not an amazing experience for me.
I've always been an X box guy until now. The last PS4 patch was amazing
The last xbox past made it worse times two. Oh how they favor us.
Well I can say some things a bit obvious, one is that xbox has more problems cuz microsoft isn't supporting them so well, next, ps4 and ps3 have more content that may not differ much but is free, lastly is that if u have a ps4 destiny version u can invite another ps4 player to play with u even he/she doesn't own destiny, I know that cuz with my account a friend downloaded destiny free on ps4 and then he invited some friends and enjoy it as well. PS: All errors are made by their servers that some say are 15 years old, others that the server u are online must be on maintenance while u log in so it logs u out and then u re_login on another server in a same cicle
im getting bored with destiny sooo fast lol