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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 3:55:04 AM
Planet definitely... Or at least new destinations on existing ones. Raid I'm cool with one... Strike maybe two should come up, but a new class? Why? What did you have in mind for it? I think they've covered classes fairly well

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  • Idk what to add for a new class, I think it is up to the developer to figure out things to keep the game interesting. I feel that 6 options of player classes and subclasses to start is extremely limiting to start. I am glad they are adding more subclasses but look at borderlands, they had 4 characters to start and each one had 3 subclasses giving 12 upgrade paths. A dlc is released and they added another character with 3 more upgrade paths and a slew of new places to go and a semi engaging storyline. So by the first dlc borderlands 2 (2 is what meant throughout) had 15 useful upgrade paths and destiny will have 9 for 20 bucks. I believe that is 5 more than borderlands. We could also look at other mmos or RPGs and they have a much more in depth and more upgrade paths than what destiny is getting after dlc. I'm just saying that they should make my 20 dollars worth it by adding new content, not by adding stuff that shoulda been in the game by now.

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