I've always been an X box guy until now. The last PS4 patch was amazing
The last xbox past made it worse times two. Oh how they favor us.
Well I can say some things a bit obvious, one is that xbox has more problems cuz microsoft isn't supporting them so well, next, ps4 and ps3 have more content that may not differ much but is free, lastly is that if u have a ps4 destiny version u can invite another ps4 player to play with u even he/she doesn't own destiny, I know that cuz with my account a friend downloaded destiny free on ps4 and then he invited some friends and enjoy it as well. PS: All errors are made by their servers that some say are 15 years old, others that the server u are online must be on maintenance while u log in so it logs u out and then u re_login on another server in a same cicle
im getting bored with destiny sooo fast lol