Wow Wht a big surprise honestly an Xbox fan bitching rly go troll for petty somewhere else and leave Ur be off the forum the reason bungie is going with the PlayStation is better graphics more money oh and we didn't screw them like Microsoft if u don't like this shit so much either go get a PlayStation or gtfo the game its irritating and only shows Ur ignorance of the come way of like go with the money and the least chance of getting -blam!-ed over so quit Ur petty childish bitching
Alright people yes Microsoft did shaft bungie and me as well as many Xbox users are a little steamed about the exclusive dlc, but is it honestly worth getting mad over Xbox has only a few weapons and strikes cut from the dlcs (don't quote me on that) and we're getting more raids than just the VOG so I look forward to that and hope that the dlcs aren't rushed and come out perfect like we know bungie is capable of doing from the halo games
Also just cause Microsoft did something doesn't mean the rest of us should get shafted out of exclusive stuff. Bungie did start with Microsoft an created halo that I'd the reason I got my xbox.
I like how u said we like you work for Sony aha
I hope you know that in replying to him in the manner that you did, you just brought yourself down to his level. Try responding to something like that with correct grammar, punctuation, and whole words, it makes you seem better. It might also help if you don't swear. A good, clean, post is what makes you appear to be the better man (or woman however the case may be).
The miss spelled words r due to my auto correct
Auto correct does not press enter for you to submit your post.
Right. I assume that capitalization errors are also the computers fault. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as hostile. I am merely trying to give you advice on how to obtain and maintain the high ground on forum sites. Also..."r"? Is "are" too long to write out? I'm sorry for nitpicking. I'll stop if you like.
U have your own opinion this is how I text
Oh. Are you on a phone? That would make a bit more sense...I suppose...
Yes I am oh my phone
Edited by Finisher7119: 10/31/2014 6:31:25 AMAh. Ok.
Look at the sony pony, you still Fail to acknowledge that OP is right, you wouldn't have destiny if it wasn't for the Xbox people playing and buying halo, and my closing statement is you are the reason why abortion is still legal. -enjoy the burn
So let's see here I know that Oni was one of bungies first products it was scooped up by Rockstar games and ported to numerous systems. I also know that Rockstar games was the original planed publisher of Halo, but then Microsoft jumped in and bought up all the full exclusive rights. So had Rockstar kept it then that means it would be on mutiple systems and gained an even larger fan base. So to think xbox is better just because Microsoft dropped big bucks to keep everyone else away is just ignorant. So does that mean Playstation users were robbed because xbox bought exclusivity.
[quote]So let's see here I know that Oni was one of bungies first products it was scooped up by Rockstar games and ported to numerous systems. I also know that Rockstar games was the original planed publisher of Halo, but then Microsoft jumped in and bought up all the full exclusive rights. So had Rockstar kept it then that means it would be on mutiple systems and gained an even larger fan base. So to think xbox is better just because Microsoft dropped big bucks to keep everyone else away is just ignorant. So does that mean Playstation users were robbed because xbox bought exclusivity.[/quote]. Stop living on things that could of been , we are talking about the way things are now .
Wow you missed the point completely.
You do realize that a good chunk of ppl that play Destiny on PS were once xbox players, who "funded" Bungie and bought Halo. They switched from xbox bc of the restrictions that the initial xbox1s came with, so again, MS's fault. So calling is all sony -blam!-s, or Sony fanboys, or Sony pony (as you have used) is really putting down your brothers/sisters of the xbox family and the ppl who have been a part of the xbox family who decided that shiny had a better deal with their initial console release. I myself have owned both xbox and ps consoles, and have both ps4 and xbox1, not for their networks, but for exclusives. But when it came to a game that was shared amongst the two consoles, I went with PlayStation, mainly due to hardware problems I had experienced with xboxs in the past. I played the hell out of halo, all of them. You won't see it in this account bc I created new accounts when the consoles came out and I am waiting for mcc and halo 5. My point, drawn it as out may be, while some ppl on the ps maybe fanboys, making pokes at xbox, a good chunk of us were xbox owners until ms screwed everyone over initially and you are looping those of us who were and still are very loyal to Bungie and know what they are capable of. Consider that when making comments like you have.
Geez. Can't I go three feet without people insulting one another? You really didn't have to add that on to the end. Is it to much to ask for a civil debate?
And Wht u Gail to realize is that bungie made Ur bs piece of shit system without halo Xbox would of died out long ago hell who sold out when it was released oh yea that was PlayStation I can see Ur the one that should of been swallowed enjoy that fact
You are a flake it's all about the money, who do you think funded Bungie to the sucess they are at now ding ding ding Microsoft !!! But hey you sony pony can enjoy the sloppy seconds LOL
Ur just mad cuz they choose the better system take Ur manpoon out and let Ur nuts drop and grow the hell up
Both next generation systems have basically the same specs, not including the addition of the Kenect. So let's just look at the numbers and you decide. Xbox has had about 12 major system updates one massive Xbox live update and a minor bug fix (as well as three more planned major updates) in the past year. Sony has had 11 minor bug fixes and one major system update (which the major update had comparably the same amount of content as one of the smaller Xbox updates). (Major system updates include changes/additions to the software that weren't available at launch and somehow improve upon quality of life and/or gameplay, that doesn't include a fix for an already implemented system.) There is currently one playstation exclusive that made enough profit to warrant a sequel. There are currently two exclusives to Xbox that made enough for a sequel, and one to be launched in November with more preorders than all of the console exclusives combined (Halo: Master Chief Collection). The Xbox one controller is more comfortable ( according to polls) and has a longer lifespan than the ps4 controller (due to the joystick rubber and touchpad). Microsoft has spent about 2x more money on the Xbox one to help boost sales and assist consumers in the past year than Sony. The Xbox one is now $50 less than the ps4. You decide which system is better.
Yet again flake it's about the money , sony paid more for exclusive content, not because it was a better console even tho it is by about 4% and hey you even get shitty servers that are down for a day out of the week right? -blam!-in fanboy LOL
U have no come backs worth a shit u can take Ur failing system and enjoy the hell out of it because Sony will be here long after Xbox has long been dead
Right going by your logic my console is better than yours comeback, can you even read bro?