I hope you know that in replying to him in the manner that you did, you just brought yourself down to his level. Try responding to something like that with correct grammar, punctuation, and whole words, it makes you seem better. It might also help if you don't swear. A good, clean, post is what makes you appear to be the better man (or woman however the case may be).
The miss spelled words r due to my auto correct
Auto correct does not press enter for you to submit your post.
Right. I assume that capitalization errors are also the computers fault. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as hostile. I am merely trying to give you advice on how to obtain and maintain the high ground on forum sites. Also..."r"? Is "are" too long to write out? I'm sorry for nitpicking. I'll stop if you like.
U have your own opinion this is how I text
Oh. Are you on a phone? That would make a bit more sense...I suppose...
Yes I am oh my phone
Edited by Finisher7119: 10/31/2014 6:31:25 AMAh. Ok.