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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 6:12:50 AM

How do I suck? Because I prefere strategizing instead of it bring random?

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  • [quote]How do I suck? Because I prefere strategizing instead of it bring random?[/quote] Nah because u rely on others experience too much if u have a set team thats cool but so did everyone else. This way u have to be prepared at a moments notice and everyones gotta be ready to tele not just the set 3. If u and ur party cant adapt i refer u to my other statement u suck.

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    You have beatan the raid 7 times I have Beaton it 9 I know it in and out you need to get good

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  • [quote]You have beatan the raid 7 times I have Beaton it 9 I know it in and out you need to get good[/quote] Doesnt matter about that u cant even beat it on this hard mode since the patch i just advised u to adapt as well i have beaten it as much as i feel like. Only difference is i have other things to do such as replying to ur annoying messages because ur sad i told u, you suck. Oh well. Have fun. Ive already beat this weak as well. Pro tip. Do a few practice runs with ur group until u all have portal experience , mars left venus right

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    You probably cheesed it with a new cheese. Typical beef

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  • [quote]You probably cheesed it with a new cheese. Typical beef[/quote] Nah just everyone was prepared to tele. We died a few times they got experience once relic holder got out jumper in middle threw up shield blasted hjm jumped out 5 secs remaining times vengeance. Restocked rince repeat. Not that hard man like i said just give everyone a go if the tele allows it

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