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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 7:22:49 AM
The number of players playing Destiny is the higher than ANY other FPS at the same point of game life. Hmm, that doesn't suck! The players that are playing Destiny are playing longer average sessions than any other FPS ever released. Hmm, that doesn't suck! Activision realized a profit the first week on a 500 million dollar investment! Does not suck! Destiny has become one of the largest communities online. Doesn't suck! Anyone claiming Destiny absolutely sucks has to be deaf & dumb, or brain dead! The weapon play is smooth. The cheaters haven't found a home here like they have in every COD game! Hated God Mode hacks! The landscape engine is great! Breath taking vistas everywhere! If Destiny sucks so bad, leave the community! There's no need for whiners here! Or, stop reading Destiny posts if your here because of the old Halo games! The last 2 call of duty games have sucked! Replay % was down by more than half. The new COD is a Halo/Destiny ripoff! The addition of jet packs is borderline copywriter infringement! Here is a small piece of advice:Learn to love FPS Hybrids because from here on out everyone's going to copy them! Destiny's success of drawing in more mmorpg gamers into a FPS is genre changing! Only here can you find great, un-hacked PvP with an open world mmorpg. Get tired of one & switch to the other! The problem is this generation is all about instant gratification. You won't find that in Destiny! To pwn you have to put in the work! No eBay shortcuts! To a very large majority, Bungie has finally tapped into the realm MANY gamers have been screaming for! A mash up of Diablo, Borderlands, COD, and Star Wars! Fully customizable characters you have to work your ass off to make them great! I digress though! Do us all a favor & trade Destiny in & only go into the Halo side! If you don't have anything intelligent to add, don't say anything! You generally bashed the game without listing what [b]YOUR[/b] problem with the game is! If I had one complaint, it would be that legendary & exotic items are too easy to find! Other than that I can see myself playing destiny franchise over the next decade!

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  • [quote]The number of players playing Destiny is the higher than ANY other FPS at the same point of game life. Hmm, that doesn't suck! The players that are playing Destiny are playing longer average sessions than any other FPS ever released. Hmm, that doesn't suck! Activision realized a profit the first week on a 500 million dollar investment! Does not suck! Destiny has become one of the largest communities online. Doesn't suck! Anyone claiming Destiny absolutely sucks has to be deaf & dumb, or brain dead! The weapon play is smooth. The cheaters haven't found a home here like they have in every COD game! Hated God Mode hacks! The landscape engine is great! Breath taking vistas everywhere! If Destiny sucks so bad, leave the community! There's no need for whiners here! Or, stop reading Destiny posts if your here because of the old Halo games! The last 2 call of duty games have sucked! Replay % was down by more than half. The new COD is a Halo/Destiny ripoff! The addition of jet packs is borderline copywriter infringement! Here is a small piece of advice:Learn to love FPS Hybrids because from here on out everyone's going to copy them! Destiny's success of drawing in more mmorpg gamers into a FPS is genre changing! Only here can you find great, un-hacked PvP with an open world mmorpg. Get tired of one & switch to the other! The problem is this generation is all about instant gratification. You won't find that in Destiny! To pwn you have to put in the work! No eBay shortcuts! To a very large majority, Bungie has finally tapped into the realm MANY gamers have been screaming for! A mash up of Diablo, Borderlands, COD, and Star Wars! Fully customizable characters you have to work your ass off to make them great! I digress though! Do us all a favor & trade Destiny in & only go into the Halo side! If you don't have anything intelligent to add, don't say anything! You generally bashed the game without listing what [b]YOUR[/b] problem with the game is! If I had one complaint, it would be that legendary & exotic items are too easy to find! Other than that I can see myself playing destiny franchise over the next decade![/quote] Lol 10 years....... Destiny wont last 10 years. U can say whatever about destiny and how much people supposely are playing it. But u know and i know november is coming soon and with games like dragon age coming soon........ if destiny continue in that road with a lack of story, people will move on to something else.destiny can t survive without casual players. When they said they want people to compare this game like lord of the ring or star wars lol Seriously. As for now, destiny is not near to be at the level of thèse classics

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  • All I hear is you whining about people whining. Also people didn't know the story was going to be shit inter after they played it a realized later on.

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  • Edited by TheAzarekTTV: 10/31/2014 10:34:35 AM
    Only thing I disagree with your post about is the legendary/exotic drop rate.

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  • Yea all the cod fans are gonna trade in Destiny, get the new cod, play it for a while, get bored with it cause they realize how great and different Destiny is, and wonder WHY IN THE HELL DID I TRADE IN DESTINY FOR THIS SHIT lol!!!

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