[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Bungie, If I hadn't already paid for a digital. Of your game and the dlc, I'd trade it in. If you really think that you have in any way shipped the game your fans were expecting because of how you showed it to us, you're wrong. And now you're taking Activisions business model of screwing gamers over too much. Your Dark Below dlc sucks. You can make all the excuses you want of why so much of the content is in the game already, but most people know its a lie. The Dark Below was finished or nearly finished a long time ago. Your next dlc better be MASSIVE. Thats all there is left to say. X-Box players, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but what you're experiencing with the exclusive content for Playstation, your beloved Microsoft started the whole idea. If you look at what console has more exclusive and timed exclusive content in the last generation, it'll be the 360. Castlevania Harmony if Despair was a year long exclusive, and that was an entire game. So shut up. Also realize that Microsoft screwed bungie, forced them to work on halo when they wanted to move onto other projects. As xbox fans you may have made Bungie what it is, but because of Microsofts treatment of Bungie they screwed Microsoft and their fans. They did it to get you to buy a playstation. Thats why they advertise "the ultimate destiny experience on ps4" because, -blam!- microsoft.