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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 7:43:56 AM
Both next generation systems have basically the same specs, not including the addition of the Kenect. So let's just look at the numbers and you decide. Xbox has had about 12 major system updates one massive Xbox live update and a minor bug fix (as well as three more planned major updates) in the past year. Sony has had 11 minor bug fixes and one major system update (which the major update had comparably the same amount of content as one of the smaller Xbox updates). (Major system updates include changes/additions to the software that weren't available at launch and somehow improve upon quality of life and/or gameplay, that doesn't include a fix for an already implemented system.) There is currently one playstation exclusive that made enough profit to warrant a sequel. There are currently two exclusives to Xbox that made enough for a sequel, and one to be launched in November with more preorders than all of the console exclusives combined (Halo: Master Chief Collection). The Xbox one controller is more comfortable ( according to polls) and has a longer lifespan than the ps4 controller (due to the joystick rubber and touchpad). Microsoft has spent about 2x more money on the Xbox one to help boost sales and assist consumers in the past year than Sony. The Xbox one is now $50 less than the ps4. You decide which system is better.

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