[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Unlike most people, I'm writing (or E-Writing) to say how i love destiny! I find the game enjoyable and adventurous due to taking a new approach to an alien apocalypse. When I ripped open halo 4 and put it in my disk drive, I was totally emersed in the game: you, master chief, part of an elite group to save earth although being loomed over by the constantly threat of aliens! Although this feeling didn't last. For one, the weapon selection was poor with minimal amounts guns and grenades. Two, each level was very secluded, only following a certain path, the game is pretty much saying: "NO! YOU MUST GO THIS WAY". My third reason is the fact that , 'its just another FPS' with nothing setting it part from other first person shooters. While I could rant on all day about halo, its only fair to talk about Destiny. In comparison to Halo 4, Destiny has a HUGE range of guns (there's also a big variety of gear too) which will make every crucible fight different and fun experiments against the darkness! If you still aren't convinced than might I remind you that most of the weapons have upgrades including multi choice upgrade paths, making for even more fun! Although I cannot say boldly that the storyline is very good, I can say however that each level grants you that little bit more freedom, giving you the chance to explore caves in hope for loot or maybe to back track to finish of that party of fallen dreg and even if that's not enough freedom for you, Bungie has embedded patrol missions, letting you explore your favourite worlds (although there are only four 😢). The patrol missions are nothing I have ever seen in a FPS game. Which brings me on to how creative the game is: its got patrol missions (which I have already explained), it's got engrams which bring out the trading card nerd inside of me (MTG all the way) and not to mention interesting enemies (my favourite being the devil walker). To conclude, I think destiny players have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Bungie have made this game with the community in mind: patrols for adventurous, free roam players, raids for 🎆HARDCORE🎆 players and the crucible for competitive players. |metaphor time| Destiny is a delicious meal, rush too quick through it and you miss its true purpose but savour it and you realise why you bought it in the first place. Thanks for reading! However, I would like to say that the text above are my opinions, I do not wish to start an argument.