[quote]I'm not a cod fan, but from the way your talking you do sound like a spoilt 14 year old, who bitches and moans when he don't get what he want, maybe you're the cod fan?[/quote]No, 24 but you know what 14 year olds sound like? I bet you are over 30 and you hang around with high school kids, right? People on this app are really -blam!-ing creepy.
You're 24?! Jesus Christ, maturity at its finest.
[quote]You're 24?! Jesus Christ, maturity at its finest.[/quote]Nope, wrong again. See, no matter what age I give you, there is always a comeback and little picking sessions cause your as pissed as I am about how we've been treated. Instead of being scared to say something towards bungie and taking it out on people like us, stop being a pussy, take the skirt off and really deal them a blow.