Blizzard is also a larger company that had more money to create wow and also, the were/are the creator and publisher of wow. They used their money to make their game. Not the case with bungie. They used outside money to make it. When you do this, guess what? The person who gave you the money has you by the balls. Surely, wow had lots of content when it first came out. Also took YEARS just to make. Blizzard has had more successful IPs then bungie as well and are still making revenue off of older games as well. Why do you think wow is good? Because Blizzard used their money to make it. In house publishing allows a company to make all the decisions for their game. In house financing also allows wow to use a pay to play model. Same with ff:arr. Politics are ruining this game. Bungie is probably scared to actually listen to its fans because Activision is probably squeezing their balls. Activision has CoD which is one of their most successful games ever and is highly popular so why would Activision let destiny, a new IP and created by bungie who made halo and has always been at war is CoD (as far as the fan base goes), go up against CoD. Remember, this is supposed to be the most bad ass cod ever and it honestly looks good. They KNOW CoD HAS a HUGE fan base. They want to test this cod to see how it goes. If the game tanks, then destiny may be able to fully shine but with all these kids running around saying CoD is the best game ever (which it isnt) I highly doubt it tanks.
So there you have it. Activision is the problem. Am I right? Possibly not. But there are enough horror stories about publishers and game developers to make anyone who knows these want to point the finger at Activision.
I have to regretfully agree with you publishers tend to do that hope bungie listen to their fan base some day
Sorry if I came off as an ass though. Twas not my intent
Aye i was an ass 2 sorry