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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 1:01:22 PM
Just for your own knowledge, so that you can make informed statements, I've played everything from original NES sidescrollers, to nearly every Final Fantasy, Maddens, CODs, Uncharteds, Tomb Raiders, KOTOR, Halo, Gran Turismo, Persona, and the list goes on. My favorite genre happens to be RPGs, so am I disappointed by Destiny's story? You bet. But is it still a fun to play? Absolutely. Have I gotten $60 worth of fun (not story) out of this game? I believe so. To each their own, but don't complain that Destiny doesn't offer good value for your money because it does. There's a whole list of game out there that offered terrible value and the latest one is Driveclub. If you haven't heard all the problems with this one then you need to read up

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