I wish all you -blam!- would stop bitching about every little thing that you go looking for and then say its all Bungie's fault when are finding more and more "problems" faster than Bungie can fix them, also, some of these problems aren't problems, its just you bastards cant learn to appreciate the game for what it is. you complain that your bored and can't find anything fun to do, but you played the game 24/7 until you got to level 30 and decide to bitch about the expansion pack not coming out fast enough and every little problem you find. you also say that cod and all these other games are better when compared to destiny they have so little to offer, if you bored then go play the pvp that is better than the rest of these "better games" and is what you would be doing in these other games anyways. i do agree that destiny has problems here and there but bungie puts out a WEEKLY UPDATE to fix these problems. i hope all you haters read this and realize that you need to -blam!- THE HELL OFF OF THESE FORUMS and stop -blam!-ING with the destiny community. if you dislike this game soooo much then just stop playing and stop plaguing the community and forums with your negativity and hate. thank you bungie for making such an amazing game, i just want you to know that no matter what, i will always be a fan.
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