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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 1:25:04 PM
You do realize that a good chunk of ppl that play Destiny on PS were once xbox players, who "funded" Bungie and bought Halo. They switched from xbox bc of the restrictions that the initial xbox1s came with, so again, MS's fault. So calling is all sony -blam!-s, or Sony fanboys, or Sony pony (as you have used) is really putting down your brothers/sisters of the xbox family and the ppl who have been a part of the xbox family who decided that shiny had a better deal with their initial console release. I myself have owned both xbox and ps consoles, and have both ps4 and xbox1, not for their networks, but for exclusives. But when it came to a game that was shared amongst the two consoles, I went with PlayStation, mainly due to hardware problems I had experienced with xboxs in the past. I played the hell out of halo, all of them. You won't see it in this account bc I created new accounts when the consoles came out and I am waiting for mcc and halo 5. My point, drawn it as out may be, while some ppl on the ps maybe fanboys, making pokes at xbox, a good chunk of us were xbox owners until ms screwed everyone over initially and you are looping those of us who were and still are very loyal to Bungie and know what they are capable of. Consider that when making comments like you have.

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