Will there be armor that will get you from level 29 to 32. Because me and my gf see it pointless to do the raid just to reach level 30. And I still don't get why exotic armor doesn't get you to level 30 in the first place. And now it seems you are going to force ppl to do the new and improved iron banner just to reach level 30. I can't we reach level 30 by grinding. By just leveling up like most other rpg type games. Mass effect for example. Or like borderlands to. Me and my gf won't ever be doing the raid. Because reasons!!
me and my clan continue to do the raid so that each of us reach rank 30 or are at least well equipped to do the next raid lol
What reasons? You're shortchanging yourself, the raid is far and away the coolest thing I've done in this game--and I already loved the game before that. Find yourself a good guide to take you through your first run and it'll be enjoyable and shouldn't take more than an hour and a half to two hours and you'll be hooked. The subreddit for Fireteams is a great place to look, or even these forums would probably turn up a kind soul. Hell, once I've run it a couple more times, I'd be happy to take you through.
Exotic armor can help you get to level 30, but there is a limit to the amount of exotic armor you can where, so that's why you can't get by on Exotic gear alone. LvL 30 is considered end game currently in Destiny. Raiding is end game content. Iron banner is mean to reward people who reach the level cap. You know all of this, obviously. So you wish to obtain the level cap but you also choose to opt out of raiding and IB... So where does this sense of entitlement come from?! Reap what you sow!!!!