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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 2:30:44 PM
You people make me sick. The entire overall scope of pretentious gamers is nauseating. 90% of you are constantly b*tching about trivial matters. Bungie! I'm not good at PVP! Bungie! Your servers suck! Bungie! I can't find exotics this game blows! Here's an idea. Let's see your multi million dollar video game. Oh wait, you don't have one. You live in your parents basement. I play this game using my iPhone as a hotspot. Do I get booted to orbit? Sometimes, yes. I preordered the DLC. It's twenty bucks. You spend more than that on a weeks worth of fast food. So here's an idea. Shut up about things that don't really matter. Good job Bungie. I love this game despite its flaws. Oh and I'd love to ignore your feisty replies so bring em on!

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  • What's up man there very good points here but the part where you say "good job destiny" that's the part I don't agree on. Let me state I love this game but being swindled I really hate, and right now we are being hustled by Bungie/Activion. $20 may not be much but the Dark below is not worth $20. I know there going to be "it's an MMO" it's suppose to be that way. I say NO!!!! Both the Dark Below and the House of Wolves were suppose to be part of the original content of the game (the stages are already in the disk for Christ sake) but for some reason Bungie/Activion did a dick move to cut it, and now making us pay for it. I think we all should grow up and realize that this is wrong in so many levels and this isn't how DLCs work. I'm also tired of people defending this game like it did everything right, when it actually did everything wrong. Open your eyes everyone the higher ups on Bungie/Activion are laughing their asses off while saying "these people are actually buying this shit, we should do this to all our games." If you still think I'm full of it answer me this. When was the last time an update was actually useful? Why can't I play with my own friend in a custom match at the crucible? Why did the weekly events stop? I.E things like Iron Banner and Queens Wrath. Who the hell are the faction leaders and why do I have to go outside the game to learn more about them? If the game production started 7 years ago why is destiny so short and mediocre? Limited armor design what happened there? Where will this game be in 3 moths, I think after House of Wolves comes out Bungie/Activion will meet their goal and stop caring about Destiny and the people playing it, cause I can tell you right now we are not the number one priority, making back the money they spent is. P.S DEEJ you are one plastic ass mother-blam!-er tell everyone what really happened to the game formerly known as Destiny. Tell us how it was butchered because it was to complex for younger gamers to understand the story. What justifies segmenting the campaign and selling it 1/3 of the retail price 2 months after being released!? Why are the updates just covering the surface and not the core fundamentals of destiny? DEEJ I know these questions won't be answered hell this comment won't even get blocked, cause you guys don't care about this community at all. This app is only here so we can fight amongst each other and entertain your workers at work, while absolutely doing nothing at their desk!!

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  • Thats a hell of a conspiracy theory there. I'm not saying I disagree with it. I mean c'mon we already know bungie is a sell out company.

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  • Thanks man for reading man I know it's extensive. It doesn't matter if its Bungie/Activion or not what they're doing is just wrong. The thing that vexes me is that I actually tried to defend destiny for some time only to be proven wrong, so the best I can do now is try to get answers from these assholes especially from the ASSHOLE KNOWN AS DEEJ.

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  • I can understand that. I think the reason I enjoy it is that I had no preconceptions about it. I was to understand that it was a next gen game so I ignored it then I found it on ps3 and was under the impression it was just an FPS like COD. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised.

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  • No body can take that away from you man and hopefully I can feel the same way about Destiny again in the near future, but as of right now I just can't.

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  • Hell maybe they will release some amazing DLC like the tiny Tina DLC in borderlands. I enjoyed that more than the rest of the game.

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  • Hopefully man

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  • Hey Dick bag people can say whatever the hell they want. You're just angry because you agree with them.

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  • Oh man, I bet you typed that so damn aggressively. And good guess but no, I love this game. I've played far worse games for much more money. Mmo games usually come with a fancy 14.99 a month price tag. This one cost me 60 once, 20 a month later and 20 every few months as DLC releases. Not a bad deal. And I even got the dreaded monkey error but, shockingly, I didn't whine about it. A day later, voilah, it's fixed. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the dick bag reference. It's odd.

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  • Yeah actually I didn't type it I spoke it into my phone and it typed it for me. I don't type angrily. Dick bag was just something I heard on TV that I thought would be cool to post on the forum just happened to be you! douche nozzle lol

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  • Douche nozzle? You don't work at Ingles do ya? I used to hear that every day from an old coworker. He used to call the store and ask if we had any in stock.

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  • Lmao really? Then quit playing some people actually love the game

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  • Exactly

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  • Agreed

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  • Why are you so mad about other people's opinions? They are customers they got their points of views and want to be heard, there are no rules against that in this community. Ignore those opinions just as you said you would ignore them feisty replies, continue with your life and enjoy the game.

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  • There is nothing trivial about servers that boot people frequently. It is a serious problem given the fact that there isn't an offline mode at all.

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  • I'm just loving this guys panda profile pic

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  • I love this game too but to get booted off xbox live everytime i get a -blam!-ing hawk error code is getting a little old. Never had any problems until past 2 weeks, now I cant even do a -blam!-ing daily without hawk, caterpller, grape, grapefruit, or any other stupid error codes.......and my connection is perfect. Hardlined into the router and everything. Has bungie replied to the dozens of posts asking for help?????? NO they have not, but bungie will appease to fanboy COD fans because of activison. Bungie your ruining the game for the people that will actually play it beyond COD release

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  • Well, I would say if you haven't done so aleady, is to work on actually typing out your problems in a thoughtful and helpful format and send that to the help area. I got my one and only Zebra the other day and did roughly the same. We knew from day 1, the very first day, that people were having networking issues, the fact that they have worked on it, kept me frequently updated to a degree anyways with hotfix info and such, shows that they care even a little bit. I know someone who just has crap luck with his internet, still does, but at least he can sit there and play xD he couldn't even sit in a session for a full five minutes before. Now he has somewhat around 30-ish? depends really. I dont care much for COD either, not to say I wont play Zombies or the occasional PvP with friends, but im not that into the Rambo style gaming that happens on PvP xD too much frustration for me anyways. That's beside the point though, we knew there were going to be issues, and honestly I haven't owned a Xbox system either to help on that regard, but I Don't have as many issues on the PS3 or the PS4, so maybe your Xbox Live may be acting up as in the service itself? Try looking into what the Hawk Error Code means too, if your getting it nonstop as you say, might be worth looking into it to see if something can be fixed? Ill do you a solid and look for you. So, from what I gather, it looks like your connection just might not be wired correctly for Destiny, check and see if your NAT is set to open for one, that's the preffered type for XBOX anyways, and if anything, heres a support link for Xbox BTW: This link was posted in the help section on Bungie as well, so I would gather that these guys do care, or at least they want to make sure you enjoy the game experience if not to get more money from you :P So, whats your next complaint?

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  • Edited by Dreadlocked R1: 10/31/2014 8:05:31 PM
    Just because you people do not make their own video does not necessarily mean they cannot have an opinion or certain expectations of the game on information given to them. It similar to commenting on a movie and saying, here's an idea, let's see your multi million dallar movie. Oh wait you don;t have one. If you are the consumer and dis-satisfied with a product you have a right to express your opinion (in a professional manner). I can understand some of the complaints because this game does have some great potential but it is far from being there. Do not get me wrong, I do enjoy it for what it is and no more. I am guilty of having high expectations of this game based on commercials and sites. Besides the glitches (which every game has along the way), the storyline and the amount of content within the storyline is a little lacking. So for now my son and I will play (wish it was split screen so we could both play together) Desinty for a bit and wait to see how the DLC will turn out. If I am dis-satisfied again......Simply stop playing....Disappointing but not the end of the world.

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  • I can really appreciate this comment. It was well thought out and gave some great points. Additionally I think its great that you can share your love of video games with your son. Mine is still a bit young for games of this caliber but in a couple if years I think I'll have someone to watch my six.

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  • Edited by Dreadlocked R1: 10/31/2014 8:06:07 PM is alot of fun when you can play with your kids. It only sucks when they are a better player than you :-)

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  • Only 1 thing wrong with this game and that's activision getting involved, I've played bungie games for years so I support bungie all the way and I still love playing destiny but pls get rid of activision

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  • this games sucks now. and before you ask yes i hit lvl 30. this game has no replay value for me. one its to repetitive you do the same stuff day in and day out. i love mmorpg's but this game is going more and more towards PvP

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