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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 2:30:44 PM
You people make me sick. The entire overall scope of pretentious gamers is nauseating. 90% of you are constantly b*tching about trivial matters. Bungie! I'm not good at PVP! Bungie! Your servers suck! Bungie! I can't find exotics this game blows! Here's an idea. Let's see your multi million dollar video game. Oh wait, you don't have one. You live in your parents basement. I play this game using my iPhone as a hotspot. Do I get booted to orbit? Sometimes, yes. I preordered the DLC. It's twenty bucks. You spend more than that on a weeks worth of fast food. So here's an idea. Shut up about things that don't really matter. Good job Bungie. I love this game despite its flaws. Oh and I'd love to ignore your feisty replies so bring em on!

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  • It just seemed appropriate attire for that comment.

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  • Do you think that it's untrue?

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  • Yawn, cool point bro

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  • Truth be told at first I was quite unhappy with destiny, with all the glitches and errors but let's be honest when battlefield 3 and 4 came out there were tons of bugs and annoying things wrong with it. Any game like this starts out that way, only by playing and giving feedback its going to be solved. I totally agree if p are going to complain about the game then they're idiots. I mean life is life, you're not going to get everything you want by complaining. Those that threaten to sell the game should just do it not say they are, it's a waste of time. But I at first was mad, but then I went the facts: 1) perhaps the story is lacking, but it's just the first inning 2) the point of the online only part is to play with others, I normally don't like to play a game alone anyway it's boring.

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  • "Life is life" ... That was deep bro, that was deep!

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  • [quote]You people make me sick. The entire overall scope of pretentious gamers is nauseating. 90% of you are constantly b*tching about trivial matters. Bungie! I'm not good at PVP! Bungie! Your servers suck! Bungie! I can't find exotics this game blows! Here's an idea. Let's see your multi million dollar video game. Oh wait, you don't have one. You live in your parents basement. I play this game using my iPhone as a hotspot. Do I get booted to orbit? Sometimes, yes. I preordered the DLC. It's twenty bucks. You spend more than that on a weeks worth of fast food. So here's an idea. Shut up about things that don't really matter. Good job Bungie. I love this game despite its flaws. Oh and I'd love to ignore your feisty replies so bring em on![/quote] Well for those of us that Are good at pvp yet hate the servers and have a bunch of exotics I can still say the game is bad. It was loads of fun at first until I realized I'd be playing the same missions and everything else for months. Then supposed to pay for 2 more missions and play for months...rinse and repeat, no thanks.

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  • Couldnt agree more.

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  • Trivial matters,kk

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  • Jonesauce54 used Feisty Reply! Jk good point tho

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  • It's not very effective LOL

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  • this man

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  • Leave Britney alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Taking it back

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  • LOlOl

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  • Hey man, she came on to me.

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  • This guy deserves a medal

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  • You are so right about these bitchy-ass complaining dicks, I salute you sir...

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  • Edited by DIRTy: 10/31/2014 2:41:41 PM
    My project budget for my company was 150 mil this year. My internet is threw uverse fiber optics and gets upwards to 50mbs speeds/12mbs upload. Still crashes ONLY when I play destiny. I like the game but bungie is making major mistakes. And because my 8 year experience running successful iT project launches globally I can tell you at this rate Destiny will be shut down due to cost associated with keeping it live and not enough players left to support it. So you can go on about how the people bashing it are "basement" dwellers but I have a feeling you are only describing yourself. Myself and all the friends I know have already canceled our dlc pre orders. I could careless about the cost (could probably buy every copy in the state if I wanted) its the principle. So when Q1 comes and theres only a handful of fanboys left so be it.....but there wont be enough to keep the servers running.

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  • Good for you. Now move along Skippy.

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  • Wow. My project budget is only 300K dude. Are you guys hiring? lol. But I feel the same as you - something I learned quick in project management is that if you don't manage your stakeholders (i.e. customers and user base) then the project is likely to fail.

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  • Exaclty, and I thought they would of known this with Activision running the show. Would of known that mmo's are not like other games. MMO's take constant support which equals cost. Without a way for steady income aka sub fee or micro transactions it slowly drains profits from enitial sales. They had a good idea....use DLC's to recoup that profit. But give your players what they want or they will not buy. With the first dlc they have pretty much just lost xbox consol oweners.....whats gonna happen on dlc 2? To do a turnaround (speaking to people with business degrees lol) they need to 1st Truly stabilize servers. 2nd equal conent for all consols 3. Fix end game loot rolls 4. Fix glitches but dont mess with mechanics aka Atheon random teleport. If they could do these and a few other enhancements (say player chat) they could very well be successful but I don't see them listening or caring.

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  • Well if you look at their original [url=]contract[/url] they were supposed to have micro transactions and the upcoming DLC may actually be a "mini" DLC compared to the DLC referred to as "Comet #1". But as you say, no one will buy the next DLC if they don't give players what they were originally expecting in the base game. I can deal with exclusivity deals and weekly nerfing/buffing but for me there are two things that can [i]start[/i] a turnaround: (1) set up a system to motivate grinding for gear. Right now the only reason to get gear is to use it to...get more gear (i.e. just repeat strikes and raids). I can't slaughter people in crucible with the stats on a new exotic or discover/unlock new parts of the world with my better stats. (2) make social interaction and grouping easier and more fluid/integrated with the game. I don't see them doing any of this in Destiny #1 though simply because of their contractual agreement and development timeline with Activision. Supposedly they need to release Destiny #2 in 2016. That doesn't leave a lot of room to fix and adjust the first game.

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  • Pshhhh talking like you a real project manager. Pics or didn't happen.

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  • Lol

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  • Good counter rant. And in one aspect you are correct. I am a basement dweller. It's in my own home though. So tell me if you will(this isn't sarcastic I'm legitimately interested) what is your project exactly?

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