[quote]So it's okay for CoD or Battlefield to do it when it helps XBOX, but heaven forbid XBOX miss out on two twenty minute activities? Even Fallout 3 gave Microsoft DLCs before Sony. Didn't hear any XBOX players whining then. It's really hard to take you people whining about Playstation finally getting perks seriously with Microsoft's track record.[/quote]
It's one thing to have complete exclusivity and delay the release for another platform. It's a completely different story when you charge the same amount for a product but withhold content for almost an entire year. Just give Xbox users a discount on the DLC until the additional content becomes available.
Battlefield 4 Premium with Second Assault that was only released for all consoles as an apology for the game being released unfinished. Skyrim's expansion pass. Fallout 3 on PS3 was going to get none of the expansions for quite a while (Dust Palace and the rest of the current PS exclusives). And when PS players complained about it y'all did the whole "XBOX master-race" or "should've chosen a better console." Now that you guys are getting a taste of your own medicine, you can't handle it.
[quote]Battlefield 4 Premium with Second Assault that was only released for all consoles as an apology for the game being released unfinished. Skyrim's expansion pass. Fallout 3 on PS3 was going to get none of the expansions for quite a while (Dust Palace and the rest of the current PS exclusives). And when PS players complained about it y'all did the whole "XBOX master-race" or "should've chosen a better console." Now that you guys are getting a taste of your own medicine, you can't handle it.[/quote]I never claimed to be part of a master race -blam!- face