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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 2:37:08 PM
This man has played 300 hours worth of Destiny and he's still having fun! Let's do some math: so the game has been out for 2 months. That's roughly 62 days. There are 24 hours in a day. 2 months of time equates to 1488 hours. So 300 hours of his time during that 1488 hour interval, that is, a 2 month interval, has been spent playing Destiny. Do the math. 20 percent of this mans' time over that 2 month interval has been spent playing Destiny. That means he's spent roughly around 4.8 hours a day playing Destiny since the game has been out. If this man is still having fun after all that time played, then either he has issues or you guys are just whack!!!! Destiny is awesome!!! Destiny 4 Lyfe!!!!!

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