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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bungie, its really dissapointing that Xbox gets completely -blam!-ed with Destiny. In every way you guys can manage. We have to wait way longer than PlayStation does just to get this DLC. Thats pathetic. its honestly not fair either. we layed the same amount as PS users (maybe even more if we include the Limited editions) and we still have to wait months longer. I get COD gave Xbox the dlcs before PlayStation but it wasn't a year later. And those dlcs didn't make the game not playable. Which destiny is becoming. Its not fun now, its too repetitive and annoying. Nothing is difficult (not even the raid on hard after patch) and its just not fun. cod dlcs just made the games more expansive. This is would be making the game more playable and expansive..but no. You guys can favor the PS and screw everyone over. This is making you lose respect from me and many others. I used to think bungie cared about their fans, now it just seems like all they care about is money.

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