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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 2:58:36 PM
I kinda am actually. I own a 360 and a One and I have been a Xbox Live member for close to 5 years. I AM upset that there are even exclusives in the first place. Games should not be for one group but not another. It's stupid how companies do that. In the business side, if they had them on both, they company gets more money. On the gamer side, everyone could play a good game and not have to but a whole new console for one game. I would love for Titanfall, Ryse son of Rome, and Foriza to be on PS. They are great games that I wish I could share with you PS players

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  • Exactly my point! Your statement about the bad business decision exclusive stuff is period is my stance and the point I was trying to make. If I ever owned a game studio, and with the career path my son and some of his friends are taking this might actually be a possibility in a few years, exclusive will not be in a contract.

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