Bungie this game is a great platform. It's hard to make everyone happy(especially people with no lives and sit and play games 20 hours a day) I would classify myself as an aggressive casual and I am exactly where I feel I should be progressively.
Don't worry about the whining losers listen the you tubers with gamer channels. All the relevant ones support what you are doing. Mini expansions with price tags are just fine. Just keep them coming. I know that if I continue to invest $$$ in your product there is money to keep your team invested in us.
Well your bain washed into there scheme. Do you really believe that you should pay for something already locked on your disc and then pay 20 bucks for the kinks to be tweeked and targets placed in it? If this is how dlc is gonna be the whole time we womt even see a cabal raid, unless it ps4 exclusive and If thats the case that is completly -blam!-ed of bungie. Dlc is sopost to be completly new content not locked on the dics. Back when dlc wasent ever used thats what it was!!!! Exclusive sit is fine to begin with after that if its not just a 2 week early accsess then its a rip off because people of both xbox and ps4 have already bought an unrefunable season pass before xbox owners could find out they would be completly excluded from that useless unless you pick up the game on xbox for the first time ever in a year! Yes the game is awsome its fun its addictive I have 2 lvl 29s and just started my hunter. -blam!- idc if what they annouce is the dlc great new shit -blam!- it. Where the problem lies tho is this is not new shit being digitally downloaded to your console. What you buy when you get this dlc is a key to -blam!-ing unlock what youve already bought!!!!!!!! Its not just this dlc its the next one too and where not gonna see a cabal raid unless house of wolfs has 2 raids on it. Another point why the -blam!- is the main disc only coming with one raid? Thats kinda stupid compared to every raid type game weather it be wow or everquest -blam!- even borderlands. Bungie should of just stuck with microsoft because at least theyd have sever that are free and would have dumbass activison making deals on a game that they only put time into the crucible on! Come on man dont be a blind sheep see that your shepard is only a costume for the wolf!!!!! Its very easy too see that the destiny everyone really wanted was thrown away expecially after losing their orginal writer. Its easy to tell that he had a hudge part in it with how close of a resemblance it has with halo. -blam!- its the same plot. When I played threw the campaign I was waiting for that epicness of halo and just like halo 4 it lacked it. Honestly this is not the bungie that made halo a game in witch I spent hours and hours as a chold playing and love sooooo fcking much that my own son is being named after. I still have the -blam!-ing helmet from 3 and the reach stand and cant wait for mcc because its bungiea shit remaster and redone!!!!!! I posted a long as thing on here and it was removed for some reason probbly because i pointed out every bungie is doing wrong and how activison is really just the puppetmaster here and the great bungie we all once knew has been reduced to puppets trying to please everyone whole getting activison dick shoved in there bumms. This dlc shit is almost the last straw for me if something dosent change then im selling the game and I think alot of people will if bungie causes another outrage. This is their time to show what they are to every gammer of every console and by pure stupidity on thier part theyve now -blam!-ed us on dlc and on top of that they give shit to ps4 people that you have to pay for on -blam!-ing xbox as well? At least a 2 dollar price cut would be nice for -blam!-s sake something to say hey your right thats not very fair because there was never any true warning for this unless it was posted on ps4 stuff in witch if thats the case there are legal actions that can be made! Well -blam!- it honestly youll continue to let destiny -blam!- you in the bumm bumm and slob on thier knob after wards. My advise to you sir is at keast make em wear a condom so you dont have to slob on your own S H I T! Good day. Damn I cant believe I dident talk about the sony community hardly doing shit in matters such as setting records, own the most copies, completing raids first, and in genral kicking the most ass at the game mainly because weve played pretty much the same shit before for christ sake, but ya know what lets just give good shit to the ps4 guys cause we dont think weve got em hooked just yet or theyd be somewhat relavant right? Well your damn straighy theyll become relvant CAUSE YOUR DRIVING AWAY YOUR MAIN -blam!-ING ACTIVE CROWD!!!!! And people lime you -blam!-ing appauld them fuuuuuuuckkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!
So don't buy it, problem solved. I am entertained, and will pay to continue being entertained. There is no motivation without money to improve a game, this is business. Mommy and daddy aren't buying my games I'm sorry if this is a strain on your allowance. Go have a juice-box and take a nap.
Lol really bro? Im 20 years old and have more money than ull ever see from an enhartance from my father dieing! Live on my own with my wife with my kid on the way! Im sorry if your still chillin with moms, but I promise you I pay for my own shit yo thats why I have everything out for the xbox. One thing you dont -blam!- with is my money tho cause thats a problem and guess what your a -blam!-ing idiot for thinking your truely entertained! Ive got everything out and destinys game for game of the year is little far fetched. If my bf4 wasent stolen and I wasent still wating for my kniect, 2 contollers(my day one contoller for -blam!-s sake),and 9 games(not including bf4) to get the hell returned to me from evidence after I put the stupid whore who robbed me in jail and get restatution payments ide be playing bf4 still. You may say why waste you time and spend the your money! Well ide say to your sir cause im not as stupid as you! You dont just buy two of the same thing when your gonna get it back anyways! Still your a fool for think bungie has givin you something great. Have you played halo? Cause honestly ide bet destinys population is gonna have a real turn around after mcc! Bungie screwing everyone on xbox over like this definatly helps to support that hypothesis. Anyways im gonna go for a swim and sit in a hot tub so you can post back, but ill probbly not give two shits was only on here cause it takes for ever for my gf to get ready for ANYTHING! Have a good day sucking the destiny dick!
cool story bro
Story ha!
[quote]So don't buy it, problem solved. I am entertained, and will pay to continue being entertained. There is no motivation without money to improve a game, this is business. Mommy and daddy aren't buying my games I'm sorry if this is a strain on your allowance. Go have a juice-box and take a nap.[/quote] Continue to be paid for 2 hours of entertainment then. That's your choice. No need for a long post ripping people who don't agree with you...
I look forward to seeing you completely decked out in the expansions gear in two hours.
[quote]I look forward to seeing you completely decked out in the expansions gear in two hours.[/quote] Kewl