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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 4:26:12 PM
Still dont understand how your trying to sell us all DLC we already have on our discs. Bungie = falsely advertising scamming mofos destiny should have been 100000000 times better. I enjoyed playing destiny but now ive got three characters to level 30, have 17 exotic weapons and have turned down the same exotics bounties about 20 times what is there left to do? Im tired of running the same missions/strikes and raid over and over at the highest levels. The games far too easy ive done the majority of the nightfalls on my own with no help, done the raid about 40 times to have recieved all loot in one week while getting nothing for the other 5 weeks of trying. So to me destiny was good while it lasted but the games finished now, theres no way im paying to get an extra couple missions 1 raid and 1 strike. Sorry bungie but in the politest way possible you can -blam!- right off

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