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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/31/2014 4:31:38 PM
14 Seriously. Shut your servers down, put the game back together, rerelease. Your fan base is pissed. Don't promise epic in depth story/gameplay and deliver a bare bones arcade shooter.

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  • Bump

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  • You're doing a great job, keep up the good work bungie....

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  • Are we talking about the same game here? Where on earth did Bungie did a good job on this game?

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  • 6 weeks in and still occupying every gaming hour, what more could one ask for....more strikes?....Raids?....Story?....Maps?....Gear?.....oh's on the way.....can't wait!

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  • [quote]6 weeks in and still occupying every gaming hour, what more could one ask for....more strikes?....Raids?....Story?....Maps?....Gear?.....oh's on the way.....can't wait![/quote] Not one for drama. But you are lost bro. Maybe your parents still buy you everything and you have no comprehension of the value of money. But this type of game is what gaming is becoming and it's not a good thing. Promised one thing and being delivered a half ass version of it is not OK. Then saying, "oh, its still coming but by the end will cost you triple, maybe even quadruple what we originally said. Thanks!" They say gaming is starting to die down, well its the GREED of these companies that are causing it. STOP BEING GREEDY AND START PUTTING OUT GAMES WORTH A SHIT!!

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  • Also I could care less what was promised, I'm enjoying what is, reminds me of the Fable series, no you didn't get what was promised, but what they produced was really fun

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  • I'm 33 and have been out of mom's basement since 1999, since this game without the DLC gives you 50+ hours of game play and re playability I think you don't understand the value of money, however I am not poor and am more than happy to keep spending 20 dollars every three months for more delicious content

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  • Let's compare it to the one you made

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  • Seriously that's the best come back you have stop kissing Bungie/Activision ass cause its only going to ruin how games are made. 12 hours of bullshit game play then you have to spend 20 more dollars for some bullshit DLC. "Lets compare it to the game you made" -blam!- YOU give me half the budget and half the time that create this garbage called destiny and ill create a game that people would love to play.

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  • They earned that money, and made a profit, and will grow that profit....and you will be in line when Destiny 2 comes out....we all will....such a great game....

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  • EARNED yes they earned our respect Halo:Combat evolved to Halo:ODST But they lost that respect on how Destiny turned out. They had an OPPORTUNITY (which is better fitting word) to produce another master piece. But instead they squandered it and are currently trying to extort our hard earned money for what ill tell you what! 3 new campaign mission 2 new strike 1 new raid X amount of armor and weapons Which you will complete in a week so your only option is to play the same damn missions over and over again like a broken record! And don't you dare say that's how MMO works I have played MMOs (Guild Wars 2 being one of the best in my opinion) they don't make me do the SAME exact damn thing over and over and when they do they try to disguise it so it doesn't feel so damn repetitive. Go ahead bro keep protecting Bungie/Activision all your doing is slowing down progress for a better game. Destiny 2?? if it plays just like the current destiny ill pass "Fool me once shame on Bungie, Fool me twice shame on me."

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  • [quote]EARNED yes they earned our respect Halo:Combat evolved to Halo:ODST But they lost that respect on how Destiny turned out. They had an OPPORTUNITY (which is better fitting word) to produce another master piece. But instead they squandered it and are currently trying to extort our hard earned money for what ill tell you what! 3 new campaign mission 2 new strike 1 new raid X amount of armor and weapons Which you will complete in a week so your only option is to play the same damn missions over and over again like a broken record! And don't you dare say that's how MMO works I have played MMOs (Guild Wars 2 being one of the best in my opinion) they don't make me do the SAME exact damn thing over and over and when they do they try to disguise it so it doesn't feel so damn repetitive. Go ahead bro keep protecting Bungie/Activision all your doing is slowing down progress for a better game. Destiny 2?? if it plays just like the current destiny ill pass "Fool me once shame on Bungie, Fool me twice shame on me."[/quote] Couldn't agree more. I had high hopes for destiny but once again it was destroyed by creator greed.

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  • They have servers? Everything is a p2p lag fest. By the way it looks they just have the login server and some matchmaking servers...

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  • [quote] Seriously. Shut your servers down, put the game back together, rerelease. Your fan base is pissed. Don't promise epic in depth story/gameplay and deliver a bare bones arcade shooter.[/quote] Lol!!! Hear Here.

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